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This is actually a repost from May, 2009 but the site it’s currently on is being sold but wanted to share here.
Well I’ll start off with saying…you do not want to go to when it’s hot! (as was the case when we went as you can see from car temp)
Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens is located at 1590 Goodlette Rd Naples Florida 34102
My daughter nor I were overly impressed with the zoo itself though.
The most impressive part was the fact that they had multiple recycling bins throughout the park.
The brochure for the zoo was printed on recycled paper too so that was a green plus.
However, there weren’t any guides or people to really discuss the zoo and any green efforts or any animal conservation efforts.
The zoo itself was mediocre at best. Half of the animals they show on the site weren’t to be seen. Their “mane attraction” (the lion) was nowhere to be seen. Most of the animals were hiding under shade provisions (probably laughing at all the people sweating walking around in the heat of the day looking at them lol).
The most unique animal they had was the fosa (daughter got a pic but it’s not downloaded yet) known as Madagascar’s Legendary Carnivore.
One of their biggest exhibits was for a Toucan who was formerly used on signage to Naples.
Overall, I’d say save your $19.95 for 13+
and $11.95 for kids
unless you like walking around trying to figure out where the few animals are hiding.
Though they are opening a black bear exhibit at the end of the month.