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What do you see when you look at people you encounter daily?
What do people see when they look at you?
What does God see when He looks at you?
Do you judge people based on their appearance?
Do you feel like you’re judged by your own appearance?
The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at
the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
— 1 Samuel 16:7
How many times have we lost out on the opportunity to really get to know someone all because we judged them by what they look like or what how they dress?
God doesn’t look at our outward appearance, He looks at our heart.
I know that they say first impressions mean a lot, but how much can you really get out of a first split second impression. Shouldn’t you get to know someone’s heart before making any decisions.
It goes both ways…one can put on an act to make that “good” impression by dressing properly, acting properly and yet their heart could very well be full of ulterior motives, hate, manipulation, dissent, envy, jealousy. They’re using their outwardly appearance to manipulate people into believing they’re a better person or for you to like them all based on how they look. Though, this type of person won’t be able to masquerade as the “good” one for too long…eventually their “heart” comes out and people see them for their true colors, just as the good Lord can see them–by their heart and what’s in it.
Meanwhile, you could encounter someone who dresses down, still acts properly and has a heart to serve and help others. Though you may never truly know that part of them because you turned your nose up based on how they dressed or wore their hair, or perhaps because they don’t like the exact things you do or the things you think they “should” enjoy. You miss out on the blessing of knowing this person, but they won’t miss out on any blessings because God knows their heart and knows this person and will bless them for having a true heart and love for Him and doing His will.
So, next time you look at someone and make a rash judgment call ~~ stop and think… are you looking at their outwardly appearance or have you taken the time to really see this person for who they are.
Concerning yourself: Be more concerned with how He sees you and what you possess in your heart and soul than your appearance to others. Ultimately He is the one you want to impress and have a heart for.