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What do you do when you feel like a huge wave is about to overtake you?
Waves are also known as swell, surge, uprising.
Do you ever feel like your life is a wave that is over-powering you?
You can experience this in your financial life (oh how I know that feeling–right now), your personal life (with relationships, people, family), your health/diet, work and other areas of life. If you have hard financial times in your life, you may want to get yourself a personal loan to improve your financial situation. It’s never pleasant feeling an upheaval in area aspect of your life. For student loan services, loanforgiveness.org
is a helpful resource for resolving all student debts for good. Through their variety of student loan programs, the student loans could be decreased, forgiven or streamlined into a single monthly payment.
Difficult trying times can (and do) befall anyone and everyone at what usually seems like the most inopportune time (though is there really an opportune time for hard times?).
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7 NTL
This scripture is so easy, yet so danged difficult to actually do…all the time!
If I’ve cast all my cares to Him, then that means I don’t have them anymore…
so, if that’s the case why then am I still overcome by feelings of overwhelm? anxiety? doubt?
Yep, I’ll be brutally honest (would I be any other way?) I feel like the walls are closing in and the sky’s falling on more occasions lately than I’d like to admit.
I’m not going to be all self-righteous “Christiany” and pretend that I don’t get worried, that I’m not beginning to get freaked out about finances, business, etc…
So, in my writing this not only is it my hope to help you be able to deal with and overcome hard times but I’m speaking to myself as well!
“What matters most is how you walk through the fire.”
~~Charles Bukowski
Here are some quick tips to help you overcome difficult times:
–Don’t play the victim. It’s a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. Focus on what you need to do to change the situation, and do it.
–Learn from the wave. Try to get whatever lesson there is about whatever you’re going through. Sadly (speaking from experience) sometimes we have to go through the same thing multiple times before we grasp the lesson.
–Know that things will improve and end up alright.
–Be grateful for what you do have.
–Don’t think or dwell on the negative…focus on the positive in all aspects (every day may not be good, but there IS good in every day!)
–Have a support system in place. Connect with friends, family that can help you (listen to you, guide you, pray for you).
–Try some stress relief exercises to help you maintain calmness and healthy mind & body.
–Spend some quiet time in prayer, meditation…just get away and breathe…knowing that tomorrow is a new day full of new opportunities to advance and get through the difficult times.
What do YOU do when you feel like life is swelling up around you?