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Today’s Thankful Thursday again and while I”m going through some major crap trials and tribulations I am thankful for peace and for God.
Yesterday, I posted a note on Facebook about thanking Him for what’s going on even though what’s going on is extremely trying, hard, difficult….
From Jesus Calling today-Thank me for the very things that are troubling you. You are on the brink of rebellion, precariously close to shaking your fists in My face. You are tempted to indulge in just a little complaining about My treatment of you. But once you step over the line, torrents of rage and self-pity can sweep you away. The best protection against this indulgence is thanksgiving. It is impossible to thank Me and curse Me at the same time.
Thanking Me for trials will feel awkward and contrived at first. But, if you persist, your thankful words, prayed in faith, will eventually make a difference in your heart. Thankfulness awakens you to My Presence, which overshadows all your problems.
~~my thoughts…WHEN is ‘eventually’?! LOL But seriously, how danged hard is this…I know this is speaking to me today and for the last few days now…Having a real hard time thanking Him right now for all that’s going on…what about you? Because I know I’m in some serious doo-doo and while I’ve been in prayer and always am, I’m still not receiving the blessings and time is running out…and I know He’s never ‘late’ but sure feels like it when I’ve got everything up against me…So, how do YOU stay thankful during trials and major ‘nonsense’ while you wait for “eventually” and His timing?
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of
one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Colossians 3:15
Well that note was yesterday, today…
I’m still trying to be thankful for all the nonsense going on.
But, I did come to one realization that while I desperately need money and need it quickly at least I have a happy semi-peaceful life.
Peace is defined as untroubled, tranquil, content.
I was contacted by a former friend of mine who, while they have money, they have nothing else.
I’m content where I am, I don’t need to drown my misery in a bottle (or anything else) like others do.
I may not have their money but what I have is even better…God, contentment, my family, true friends (the ones who listen, text, email to see how things are going and give me a boost throughout the day), happiness and no regrets for the choices I made in the past…without the choices I wouldn’t be who I am today or where I am today (sometimes I wonder about the choices, but seriously life has been good and then I know that this is my path.)
I’m sure though, that there are a lot of people who have both…money and happiness….I want to be one of them!
The things I’d do with excess money for others would be such an awesome feeling but as it is, right now I’m barely surviving and yet I have to be thankful that I am surviving and trust things will improve.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’d rather be in my position than in the position of others and I’ll just wait for God’s “eventually” to come to me. Which now re-reading that, it has already come…because it says But, if you persist, your thankful words, prayed in faith, will eventually make a difference in your heart. So, really I’m waiting for the manifestation of what I need (money for the rent & utilities and for business to pick up) because my heart is thankful so my eventually did come!
What about you?
What are you thankful for?
What do you desire in your life?
Are you happy, content? or?