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Yep, “T” for Tuesday…
and after the day I’ve had to this point I’m going with Tested
Hmmmmm I’d probably grade myself a C today on how I’ve dealt with things.
Some people say that you’ll have to keep encountering the same B.S. tests, until you pass the test.
Does that mean we have to get an A+?
Because I’m pretty sure anything above F is passing!
Yea, ok I know…I know….
I know the Bible says to
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12
and in James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds
And, I also know that when things are going good and smoothly, the enemy comes to attack…
and he knows exactly where to hit and how.
This morning started off with my getting stuck in traffic on 595-then going past where I needed to be to head back to right place only to waste 2+ hours there and get nowhere other than thoroughly annoyed…
(blog on that will not happen on here but who’s to say it may just show up on it’s own somewhere else because it needs to be exposed told)
Let’s just say the system is totally whacked and I’ll leave it at that.
From there, things were going great…
working on some new projects with Paul Bange Roofing that I”m really excited about!
More on that soon!!!
But, then the phone call came from daughter…
and this is huge since teen daughter actually went downstairs and picked up Chico’s poop and put in bag to take to vet…
because she thought she saw something moving in it…could it be worms?
So, leave office head home, take Chico’s gift to vet…
yep sure enough…hookworms.
Thankful it’s only that and not tapeworms or any other worm type of thing.
Got home, wrangled Chico (yea even though he’s 5 1/2 lbs he’s a handful to hold on to), got the medicine down him so now he’ll be fine.
Thanks Doc Ron!
hmmmmmmm what? oh it’s just the a/c talking to me!
Problems with that which could explain why it never seems to cool down really in here for daughter and why the electric bill is always so high.
Waiting on a/c repair people to call me to fix a/c
Next up, if all of that hasn’t made me totally whacked today, lets throw in my digital camera acting up.
One of the few things I rely on and use daily!
But, now it appears to be working
So, now I can finally get back to work…
Though I really wish I could go back in time and have a do-over
Doctor, where are you?
Can I get a lift in the TARDIS and go back like 12 hours?
(yea I’m slightly obsessed with Doctor Who–though I still luv David Tennant as the Doctor-the newest one still hasn’t grown on me yet)
And, now at 3:45 I can really get the day going…
hopefully on a much better note…
I think all in all I dealt with today in a semi-decent way.
Because, trust me this mornings fiasco could’ve gone totally worse and I did refrain from tweeting and blogging immediately about it!
The rest of the stuff will work out–Chico will be fine, the A/C people will come (soon hopefully!) and now I’m going to get busy on new projects!
See, while I’d give myself a A+ in the way I handled my first stop this morning (at least to their faces, now afterwards I did vent via phone to an individual)
I’m kinda floundering around a C I guess for my overall grade…
so does that mean I’m going to have to do this test over?!
Geeez, I hope not!
So, the question of the day….
What do you do when your day starts off totally crazed, chaotic with one thing after another happening?