Your greatest resource is your time.
Brian Tracy
Now, if other people would grasp that concept!
That tweet pretty much says it all.
I’ve yet to understand why people think their time is more important than mine?
Beginning to see a pattern here?
This one wasn’t too bad, I kept myself occupied (obviously)
Though the first one which was earlier today, I’m less than thrilled
Maybe because it’s Easter, a holiday, I’d already driven from the west end of the county to furthest east one can go (the beach!) and back west again…
But, seriously…
my time is just as valuable as the next person’s
We all get 24 hours every day and I’d like to use mine effectively
not sitting waiting…
Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.
Alan Lakein
People need to quit wasting other people’s life!
ok…mini rant is over…
Question of the day
Do you allow yourself enough time to get places on time?