Imagine a building and these are the 3 entrances
note the signs
how would one ‘legally’ get to the bldg’s back door where they have pick ups??
note the pick up area door is on left where trucks are
this is the view looking from the north
this is the view looking from the west looking east
again note the signs!
do not enter AND “one way left arrow”
sooo if you make a left you’re ‘entering’ though it says do not enter
and from the south looking north
note the stop sign AND the do not enter sign
now why do you have to stop if you’re not allowed to enter??
but note… 3 ways to get to back of building for pick ups… but yet all three ways have “do not enter” signs!!!
and yet there’s also a stop sign that would be where you’d exit from the rear of bldg except for you’re not allowed to ‘enter’ there and the other arrow on street points north so technically the stop sign on the left side of this pic and the yellow lines mean nothing cuz technically you’re not supposed to be there!!!
now note where cop was sitting in this pic
now how did he get there? if you’re not allowed to enter? note the do not enter sign on left! and in the other pic with the TWO do not enter signs looking from the north to the south!
soooooo, how’d the cop get to where he was at a stop sign that if all signage were legal, there’d be no need for stop sign there!
other angle of where cop is sitting
now, if cop is sitting where legally he shouldn’t be if he were to follow what he claims to be correct signage then how is it if one goes ahead and enters here where it has one way left turn and do not enter
how can cop give ticket for pulling in here?
in theory… it’s totally impossible and illegal based on signage for anyone to get to the rear of this building for pick ups where the trucks are because from all 3 streets are “do not enter” signs!!!!