And, as you can see I only have a few more hours left of Tuesday!
Today’s “T” word is Time
We all have the same 24 hours a day to use however we choose to use it.

Some days it seems like time flies and other days it drags on.
How do you use your time?
Do you work non-stop?
Do you make time for yourself?
Or are you busy working, running the kids places, cooking, cleaning?
Do you make time to exercise, workout, train, meditate?
Do you spend time in prayer or meditation?
Do you make time to do something you want to do opposed to constantly doing things you have to do?
While I’ve been busy with two big social media projects and some other smaller gigs, along with my reviews I haven’t exactly made taken the time to do a few things that I want to do (start training, running for 5K and another thing I’m working on).
It has been pretty much work work work.
However, the good part in all that is on Saturday’s I’m alternating between photographing a bowling team sponsored by Paul Bange Roofing and photographing and promoting Hendry Racing so I do get out though still working!
Today, my daughter was home sick…
so that meant rearranging my schedule a bit but everything will still get done today that should’ve gotten done and I still took time to take care of her, make homemade chicken soup (recipe will be up on soon since it’s easy and good), watched a few shows, rented Rio (which I did not find all that fabulous like everyone raved…it was ok but not fab) and now back to work for a bit.
Time is what we want most, but… what we use worst. ~William Penn
Do you take time out in your day to relax, do something for yourself?
Did you or your kids see Rio? If so, could you please tell me what was so wonderful about it that I apparently missed!?