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Yep, I’m thankful for the sun today!
Mind you, it’s been pretty rainy, cloudy, gloomy and blah here in S. FL for the better part of 2 months now
So, yes…
I am thankful for the sun
and the two hours I spent in it earlier
Though I may or may not have gotten sunburnt
I will say though that normally I tan easily, hardly ever burn
but, you can burn especially when you’re enjoying the cool breeze just thinking
which was the other thankful part…
thinking….just having random good thoughts in the sun
got a lot of thinking and some revelations and ideas came to mind…
so lots of thanks!
Now, I’ll see how thankful I am later when I realize just how on fire my skin is
But, it was worth it.
I must have heat and sun to function properly
If you so desire to comment on all the hazards of sun, sun burn, protection, etc…
let it be known I won’t pay them any mind so don’t take it personally
I love the sun, don’t use chemical funk lotion that’ll do worse to my body than au’ naturel
and we’re all entitled to our own opinions
and we all know what’s best for ourselves and I’m not hurting anyone by enjoying my sun time
(in fact I’m probably doing a good service by getting some sun so I’m in a better mood, cuz we all know it’s best if I’m in a good mood!)
but thank you anyways.
Question of the day
What are you thankful for?
Do you ever feel thankful for normal, basic things?