Let’s look beneath the fog of spin. In last week’s State of the Union address,
President Bush finally owned up to America’s destructive addiction to oil.
But the speech was barely over before Vice President Cheney was calling for oil
drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And the President’s newly
proposed budget does the same.
Instead of making America truly energy-efficient — the fastest way to meet our
energy needs and lower oil prices — the Bush Administration is still promoting
corporate raids on our natural heritage.
Five years of coddling oil companies has produced higher gas prices and left us
more vulnerable than ever to oil shortages — not to mention oil spills, air
pollution, despoiled public lands and catastrophic global warming.
The American people want a better way. Poll after poll shows that the vast
majority now rejects the President’s “drill-it-all” mentality. They’re angry at
the White House and Congress for putting oil company interests ahead of the
public interest. And they’re demanding energy policies that will reduce our
destructive reliance on oil.
I know you’re among that majority. That’s why I’m asking you to join me today
in signing the Pledge to MOVE AMERICA BEYOND OIL at
The NRDC Action Fund is circulating this Pledge nationwide as part of a bold
new campaign to break Big Oil’s stranglehold on America’s energy policy. Your
signed Pledge will help advance legislation that would cut America’s dependence
on oil by 2.5 million barrels a day within 10 years — more than we now import
every day from the Persian Gulf!
Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not possible. We’ve already lined up key support
in Congress — from both the progressive left and the conservative right — for
this visionary bill that would set America on a new course toward a clean
energy future.
Best of all, we can turn this dream into reality right now — even with George
Bush in the White House. All it will take is a powerful and sustained campaign –
– a campaign that harnesses America’s anger at Big Oil and channels it into
effective political pressure for new and smart solutions to our oil addiction
problem. A campaign that puts us, the American people, in the picture of a
sustainable future.
Please sign the Pledge to MOVE AMERICA BEYOND OIL right now at
While you’re at our website you can find out more about the oil-busting
legislation we’re advancing. And you can even spread the word about this
campaign to your friends and family.
Let’s face it: unless millions of Americans demand a cleaner energy future
right now, the oil lobby will continue to dictate the Bush Administration’s
policies, and we will continue to pay the price — at the gas pump and with a
blighted environment. And this administration is not going to change its
thinking nor its ways — just continue to hide them.
Please join me in opposing Big Oil’s latest land grabs and charting a saner,
more sustainable energy path that future generations will be grateful for. Sign
the Pledge to MOVE AMERICA BEYOND OIL today.
Robert Redford
NRDC Action Fund