This is totally my opinion and take it for what its worth as I’ve dealt with multiple situations the past week where people can’t understand why I have to be logical in my thought process since I’m female. I didn’t realize it was a requirement to only think emotionally when being female!
But seriously, in situations I’d rather access the logical aspects and not the emotional…
Whether it be in real estate, or cars, or life in general I prefer looking at the facts, pros/cons over the emotional aspects.
For me, it makes more sense and I know what I’m dealing with and getting into if it’s based on logic opposed to emotions.
That’s my preference.
My clients can see the shiny, sparkly, new attention getters in a home, they rely on me to point out the roof, plumbing, etc that may need some work in near future and then they need to determine logically if it makes sense to buy.
Same with cars, it may look great but do you know what’s under the hood, are the floor boards & undercarriage totally rusted, will it run, does it need restored…is the money, time, energy worth the end result?
There are emotions involved in both, homes and cars, but you have to weigh the logical aspects with the emotional and make the best decision for yourself.
Emotions may run high in your personal life as well, but before you do or say anything based solely on emotion you might want to stop, reflect and think about the consequences of an emotional reaction opposed to a well thought out logical response to the situation.
Remember once something is said, it cannot be unsaid.
Food for thought:
Don’t make a quick decision based solely on emotions.
Give thought to both aspects (logic & emotion) before making a commitment.
And, finally do what’s right & best for you in the situation because ultimately it’s your life to live.