A big thanks to Jennifer of HuggerMugger.com who enabled me to review their Earth Elements Yoga Mat and offer an additional one as a giveaway!
Hugger Mugger also gives back to different causes and is planning on continuing that practice.
Not only do they offer the Earth Elements Yoga Mat but they also offer a variety of mats.
They also have yoga straps, bolsters & pillows, and other great items for you too.
Because of recent back and hip issues, I’ve spent some time in child’s pose and this mat is so relaxing for that.
I love this mat.
It’s soft, cushy, thick enough that I don’t feel my hard tile floor under me at 5mm thickness.
This yoga mat has awesome grip power too.
I don’t slide around or lose my footing at all.
It’s long too – measures 24″ wide by 72″ long!
Not to mention, the eco friendly factors!
I like the label too.
It has the Sun Salutation on it.
Details about the Earth Elements Yoga Mat
Made from a newly developed and patented TPE (Thermal Plastic Elastomer) foam, this yoga mat contains no latex, PVC or rubber, and uses no toxic materials in its production. This yoga mat features a closed-cell construction that prevents absorption of fluids, making it easy to keep clean. Earth Elements naturally provides a “dry-sticky” traction unlike our Tapas Original, Ultra and Performance yoga mats, which have a tackier surface. It features an extra soft touch with beautiful colors and textures inspired by nature, for nature. These yoga mats are 72 inches long
And, if you get all caught up in the holiday hustle & bustle that’s going on right now, take a few minutes, grab a Earth Elements Yoga Mat and breathe. (shirt from Divine Blessings)
One lucky winner will win the blue Hugger Mugger Earth Elements Yoga Mat pictured here:
Retail Value: $52.95
Contest open until Jan 1, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Jan 2, 2012 via email.
Mandatory Entry
Visit huggermugger.com and come back and comment on what product you’d like to try.
Additional Entries:
For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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Win an Earth Elements Yoga Mat from @hugger_mugger http://wp.me/p1XoKe-2EM @taraburner #giveaways #yoga #ecofriendly
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– Disclaimer: I have personally reviewed the product listed above. My opinions are totally mine…honest and unbiased. I’m not responsible for shipping or the delivery of any prize.
Congrats to #56
Julie, I’ll be emailing you.
I followed, and liked in facebook.
I would love to win the yoga mat because I currently do not own one and it will help me on my workouts.