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I can’t help it that blog post topics come to me sometimes in the most random spots
like waiting
and waiting
and waiting
and waiting…
in line at the court house to set my speeding ticket for court date
as tweeted…
note the tweet on top which was after I left the court house (for speeding ticket nonetheless)
Meanwhile, while I patiently waited did walking lunges in the back of room 200 at the courthouse while all the strange people were cussing about how slow it was and babies screaming, I was thinking about the conversation I had had a few minutes prior to going in there.
A guy who I had to ask which room I was supposed to go to and then started talking about work, etc. said that I look like the type that would speed…
“free spirited do what she wants type of girl”
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pretty much spot on.
Am I really that easy to read?
Apparently so, since it’s been said multiple times by people who have no clue who I am or anything about me…
hmmmmm could it have been the tee w/”peace” all over it? the yoga sandals? the freshly wind blown hair?
Dunno, but got me thinking about are we really who we present ourselves as?
I mean I did wear a biz suit once and I’m pretty sure nobody said I looked like a ‘free spirit’ in it.
Then again, I did have to add my own style with the hair…
Meanwhile, how do you represent yourself?
Are you easy to read?
Are you being yourself?
Or, do you try to hide what you’re about?
Like I said, I have random thoughts in random places then lucky you gets to read about them!
So, enough of my ramblings…
go out and be yourself today and do it with pride!
Question of the day:
What 3 words do people use to describe you?
Cool post tara! Keep up the good work!